Docker & Kubernetes For Engineering Teams

We train engineers and teams to deploy software faster, more reliably, with more confidence, by leveraging container technologies and tooling when and where it makes sense.

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Learn with Ardan Labs What Can You Learn?

Whether you're new to the container ecosystem, or are already using Docker or Kubernetes, we meet you where you are and bring your skills to the next level. Our courses cover Docker in development and production scenarios, both on premises and in the cloud. You will know how to containerize applications, and deploy and scale them on Docker or Kubernetes. Our advanced courses also cover operators, autoscaling, security, and stateful applications.

Kubernetes Training - Ardan labs

Docker & K8s Team Training Curriculum

4 Courses

3 Instructors

70+ Hours

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Intensive Docker Training

This course will enable you to leverage Docker to build, ship, and run traditional and microservices applications in containers, both in local development and production environments.

with Jérôme Petazzoni
  16 Hrs
  Beginner - Intermediate

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Course Description

This course will enable you to leverage Docker to build, ship, and run traditional and microservices applications in containers, both in local development and production environments. You will learn how to start/stop/manage containers with the Docker CLI, build optimized container images with Dockerfiles, multi-stage builds, advanced BuildKit features, and more. You will also see how to set up repeatable development stacks of containers with Compose, and how to take them to production.

Course Outline

  • Containers, images, layers, and other key concepts
  • Building images with Dockerfiles
  • Implementing efficient development workflows with Docker
  • Exposing ports, connecting containers, and service discovery
  • Managing container lifecycle, debugging, and troubleshooting
  • Optimizing images to obtain faster builds, smaller images
  • Advanced networking (network drivers …)
  • Containers internals (namespaces, cgroups …)
  • Leveraging BuildKit advanced features (e.g. multi-platform builds)

Kubernetes Bootstrap Training

Whether you are completely new to Kubernetes or are already dabbling in it, this course will give you a solid understanding of Kubernetes concepts and architecture without skimming on the details.

with Jérôme Petazzoni
  20 Hrs
  Beginner - Intermediate

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Course Description

Whether you are completely new to Kubernetes or are already dabbling in it, this course will give you a solid understanding of Kubernetes concepts and architecture without skimming on the details. You’ll learn how to deploy, update, scale, and troubleshoot applications on Kubernetes clusters, both on-premises or on-cloud.

Course Outline

  • Kubernetes concepts and architecture
  • Pods and pod controllers: Replica Sets, Deployments, Jobs, Daemon Sets…
  • Exposing pods with services and ingresses
  • Annotations, labels, and selectors
  • Managing logs and troubleshooting common issues
  • Organizing resources with Namespaces
  • Writing, generating, and deploying with YAML manifests
  • Working with local development clusters as well as remote ones
  • Scaling and failover
  • Rolling updates, healthchecks
  • Advanced patterns like blue/green deployments
  • Understanding volumes and using them for data sharing
  • Managing application configuration with ConfigMaps, downward API, and more

Advanced Kubernetes Training

This course covers advanced topics like security, capacity planning (including autoscaling), Kubernetes API extensions points (including operators and CRDs), and presents a number of popular operators.

with Jérôme Petazzoni
  20 Hrs
  Intermediate - Advanced

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Course Description

This course covers advanced topics like security, capacity planning (including autoscaling), Kubernetes API extensions points (including operators and CRDs), and presents a number of popular operators. It is a great addition to the “Kubernetes Bootstrap”, but can also be taken independently by folks who have a bit of Kubernetes experience and are familiar with key concepts like Pods, Deployments, Services, working with YAML, and want to take their Kubernetes mastery to the next level.

Course Outline

  • Isolating workloads with Network Policies
  • Securing the k8s API: authentication, authorization, RBAC, Service Accounts
  • Extending the k8s API: operators, CRDs, admission webhooks, aggregation layer
  • Capacity planning with resources, limits, and quotas
  • Dealing with resource pressure at node- and cluster-levels
  • Autoscaling with HPA, HPAv2, custom metrics, and cluster autoscaling
  • Deploying stateful/persistent applications (Stateful Sets, PV, PVC, Storage Classes)
  • Presentation and analysis of to many popular operators (Sealed Secrets, cert-manager, Kyverno, and many more)
  • Design considerations when writing operators

Kubernetes Controller Training

The Kubernetes control plane is arguably the most successful orchestration engine ever built. This course will dive into how it works and the concepts behind why it’s so effective.

with Nick Stogner
  16 Hrs
  Intermediate - Advanced

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Course Description

Understanding and extending the Kubernetes control plane. The Kubernetes control plane is arguably the most successful orchestration engine ever built. This course will dive into how it works and the concepts behind why it’s so effective. We will demonstrate how anyone can extend the control plane with additional functionality by building a production-grade controller through a series of exercises. All concepts are communicated through live diagrams and reinforced through joint coding sessions. Most teams find this material useful to kickstart company-projects after the course. By the end of this course, you will have the tools necessary to detangle the set of pipelines, scripts, lambda functions, and cron jobs that orchestrate software at most companies.

Course Outline

  • Control Plane Architecture
  • Control Plane Concepts
  • Custom Resources
  • Controller Libraries
  • Controller Configuration
  • Controller Observability
  • Controller Error Handling
  • Controller Testing
  • Deploying Controllers
  • Kubernetes Object Lifecycle
  • Kubectl
  • Kubebuilder
  • Wider OSS Ecosystem

Flexible Team Training Solutions


    Instructor-led Live Online Training


    Instructor-led Onsite Training


    Self-Paced Online Training


    Hybrid Training Solutions

Our Kubernetes Instructors

Jérôme Petazzoni - Ardan labs

Jérôme Petazzoni

Jérôme was part of the team that built, scaled, and operated the dotCloud PAAS, before that company became Docker. He worked seven years at the container startup, where he wore countless hats and ran containers in production before it was cool. He loves to share what he knows, which led him to give hundreds of talks and demos on containers, Docker, and Kubernetes.

Nick Stogner - Ardan labs

Nick Stogner

Nick has worn many hats throughout his career as a system administrator, software developer, devops practitioner, and cloud architect. He started using Go and Kubernetes around 2015. Nick has served as a trusted advisor to early stage startups and large industry leaders like Google and Apple.

Gerry Seidman - Ardan labs

Gerry Seidman

Gerry Seidman has designed and implemented many complex, secure, high-performance, low-latency, high-availability, and fault tolerant distributed systems. He is currently President at AuriStor where he is still very hands-on including the design and implementation of the AuriStor/AFS Kubernetes/CSI Driver.

Additional Courses

See all of our training options
Go Training

Go Training

Rust Training

Rust Training

Terraform Training

Terraform Training

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The Ardan Labs Engineer ramped up very quickly

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