Lead Your Company into the AI-driven Future!

Break through the barriers holding your business back from harnessing the power of the latest Large Language Models (LLMs).

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Ardan Labs

Trusted by Companies of All Sizes

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Ardan labs trusted by companies
Ardan labs trusted by companies
Ardan labs trusted by companies
Ardan labs trusted by companies
Ardan labs trusted by companies
Ardan labs trusted by companies
Ardan labs trusted by companies
Ardan labs trusted by companies

Securely integrate AI into your organization - Ardan Labs AI Solutions

Ardan Labs AI empowers you to develop and deploy secure, private AI solutions that unlock the true potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) into your organization.

By leveraging these advanced technologies, companies can enhance their operations with applications such as document-based Q&A systems, information extraction from unstructured data, custom content generation, and various automation tasks. Our comprehensive process—from discovery and planning to development and deployment—ensures seamless integration and ongoing support. Ardan Labs AI addresses key challenges like privacy, security, and accuracy, offering scalable and flexible solutions that prioritize data protection and factual consistency.

How We Keep Your Data Private and Secure

We have experience deploying AI based solutions and can quickly bring this functionality into your organization.

  • We don't store or cache your data.
  • We use the latest, transparent, open access LLMs.
  • We let you check the factual consistency (accuracy) of your LLM outputs to ensure alignment to the facts & policies you care about.
  • We offer white glove support for our users along with “starter kits” and services that get you 90% of the way to deploying your first AI applications.
Ardan Labs: Large Language Models Ardan Labs: Large Language Models

Unlock the Potential of LLMs

Effortlessly incorporate private, controlled, and compliant Large Language Models (LLM) into your operations. Our platform not only offers a scalable LLM API but also empowers you to ward off hallucinations, establish governance, and maintain compliance.

  Privately Hosted Models

  Controls for LLM Output

  Compliant Deployment (HIPAA, etc.)

  SOTA LLMs (Llama 3, Mistral, deepseek, etc.)

  Integrations with LangChain, LlamaIndex, etc.

  Easy-to-use API for AI/ Prompt Engineering

Our AI Applications

Common applications/integrations that customers are building include the following:

Chat or Q&A with your docs:

  • Scenario:

    Your company has a repository of documents or files that contain unstructured information (technical documentation, onboarding/ training guides, etc.), and you want to use AI to answer questions based on those documents.

  • Solution:

    Deploy a question answer interface (chat interface, question box, integration with Zendesk or similar). When a question or query comes in, a private document is matched and the LLM utilizes the matched document to answer the question (in the context of the document) with a citation.

  • Ardan Labs AI Advantage:

    Because this question answering uses retrieved information, Ardan Labs AI’s factuality check can be applied to check the factual consistency of the LLM answer against the retrieved context. As you are integrating private data, Ardan Labs AI also ensures that you aren't leaking private data outside of your network or to model builders that will train on your data.

Information Extraction:

  • Scenario:

    Users of your system's input unstructured data (audio, scanned documents, messages, emails, etc.) or you have historical unstructured data. You need to extract structured information out of this input to fill out forms, populate databases, standardize data formats, etc.

  • Solution:

    Input the unstructured data to the LLM along with “instructions” on what to look for and how to output the information. You can save the formatted/ extracted information in databases or draft forms.

  • Ardan Labs AI Advantage:

    The extracted information can be fact checked against the original unstructured data to give you confidence in the output. Again, you don’t have to leak your private data to model builders or even outside of your network (if you are using Ardan Labs AI’s single tenant solution).

Content Generation:

  • Scenario:

    You need to generate copy, articles, summaries, or other text passages based on custom information and instructions.

  • Solution:

    Provide the information and instructions to the LLM and ask it to generate the required content (providing style instructions or policies that should be followed).

  • Ardan Labs AI Advantage:

    PII can be cleaned from the input and/or output to ensure the protection of data contained in raw instructions. Toxicity filters can be applied to make sure that the output content is not harmful.

Our Process



We will meet with your team to define goals and perform an audit to establish the current state of the application.



We'll work hand-in-hand to define deliverables and next steps for the project.



It's time to get to work! We will dive right into deliverables and start building products.


Integrate and Deploy

We design custom solutions that seamlessly integrate with your workflow. Our team guarantees successful deployment and provides ongoing support to optimize performance.

How Our AI Solutions Can Help

Ardan Labs AI Solutions provide you with scalable deployments of the latest LLMs, but we don't leave you to deal with all the other common AI engineering challenges (which is the real costly part of AI adoption).

Ardan Labs: Large Language Models

Private & Protected LLM Models:

  • Proprietary data is protected
  • AI-related security vulnerabilities are mitigated
  • Closed models are avoided for transparency
  • Regulations and legal requirements are satisfied for Faster time to market
Ardan Labs: Large Language Models

De-Risked LLM Interactions:

  • Prevents inaccurate model outputs (aka hallucinations)
  • Avoids toxic or harmful language in model outputs
  • Prevents PII from leaking into (and out of) LLMs
  • Allows use of multiple LLMs from various LLM families (Mistral, LLaMA, etc.)
Ardan Labs: Large Language Models

Scalable and Flexible Integrations:

  • No need to hire specialized engineers to figure out AI model scaling and reliability
  • Turn key integration/ deployment (easy of integration)
  • Developer-friendly API (Ease of use)
  • Scalable at industry-leading price-performance
  • Cloud, data center, or local deployment options allow companies to utilize AI everywhere
Ardan Labs: Large Language Models

Configurable Settings:

  • Allows for companies to implement their specific approach to AI governance (setting thresholds for factuality, PII handling, etc.)
  • Enables companies to build their own competitive AI moat with a private, internally configured AI platform

Trusted by top technology companies

We've built our reputation as educators and bring that mentality to every project. When you partner with us, your team will learn best practices and grow along the way.


Engineers Trained


Companies Worldwide


Years in Business

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